Saturday, June 23, 2012


I finished nearly 70 percent of her works, so might as well write something about it. :) The order is written from my top favorite, descending down to the least.

The most top top recommended is 凤于九天.
经典到没话说。运用上了科学,物理,化学,文学,古代战争策略。 真佩服弄风大人的思想能力, 可是这还没完结。 T_T



This is the book that I first read actually. The very first one that got me into reading this. It was a great friend from AF who recommended me into this. At first, because I had never touched chinese novels, it made me a little awkward to read it. But I got feelings very fast, due to the fact that it suits my taste. Angst. :)



This two books are together. One reason why I love this series is that the weak cute uke 律, gives you a feeling of wanting to adore him endlessly. He's the kind of 小白。and the seme is the kind of 霸道.


I first thought that this is a angst book, but it turned out that i was wrong. This is another book that's similar to the 玩具 series above. It's another cute couples. :) yes, there are two couples in this book. A funny and cute plot.


Love this book because it's a relaxing book. :) if you want to take a break from angst, this book is great.


SM. T_T T_T oh gosh, but there were a couple of pages that were removed by the authorities. I bet it's the nosebleeding scenes. Haha, anyway, great great. I must admit this is really good.


AHHHH, unfinished work. T_T I love this book. Two really cold semes and a uke who's strong and not wanting to succumb to their doings. The kind of 'punishment' was too strong imprinted in my head, can't get it out. T_T

This one is similar to the book above, except that there is only one seme and the seme didn't really know that he loved the uke in the first place. He tried to bind the uke down with all the techniques he could find, threatening of his family, friends. etc... and until the end when he finally know that he wanted the 'love' from the uke, it was too late. The uke hated him till the heart. The ending is unexpected, can't give out the spoiler here, but haha, I can still remember it. :)


The LEGENDARY angst-est book. T_T Wacau. I was like... 'impossible', for this kind of plot is really impossible. so, i didn't really dropped too much tears about it. The kind of plot that make me dropped tears are those that are more trended towards the real life situations. Anyway, I still love the book, especially the seme. He's really determined about the uke(s), both the dead and undead one. ..


Love this one. :lovelove: why? because it's another weak uke. :XD: :lol: and kind of thickheaded too. :) anyway, the plot that leave the most impression isn't how weak he is, but how angsty it gave me. 'I remembered you never cried like now, so quietly, since when did you become like this?', and the part when he was tied in the pole in the midst of snow land, nearly frozen to death.... it was so sad...

This is another part from the book above, characters are inter-related. A angst book, describing about the other seme (who's the emporer) and his love for another seme.


Hmmm... I wouldn't say this is a good book, for me. The uke is a retarded... a sad story.

A 3P story. A happy ending. :) if you never discovered the part when the author admitted that she wanted to burn one of the two people to death. T_T


don't really remembered much about the ending... Just remembered that the seme cheated the love on uke only because he wanted a revenge because his father abandoned him for the uke's mother.. something like that..


There's another new series going on recently. This 3P and incest, even though the uke didn't really have a blood bond between the other two semes. indication of SM.


A series as well. Lol. Both are strong seme and strong uke, which leads to their fighting because the uke didn't like being the 'woman' and 'restricted' with chains and violence everything the seme takes him. We didn't know the reason until the end that the story revealed the seme has a disorder. :XD: and the second part tells us how the uke overcomes/conquered the seme's disorder.


A struggle of love between two boys since schooling. The uke 赵亚 love a boy named 徒颜 but separated school。At the same time, there is another seme named 张瑞 who loved him too in school. 亚 and 颜 were happily together, but not exactly having a relationship. Misunderstanding begins to tear them apart days by days when they showed affections for each other. Until one day, 颜's mother saw the uke kissing a photo of her son. Everything changed. The seme was sent out of country for study. The uke's school and study started dropping. Even with the help of 瑞, he couldn't get himself to forget about his love. He realized he could no longer hide his study performances from his parents when they decided to pay a visit to him. But what came in the end is nothing. His parents passed away in an accident on the way there. Shocked, desperate, sorrow eats him. He shoved off 瑞 in his mist of sorrow, only to find out 颜 returned to the country and had a unspeakable relationship with him the night before. The first words that came out of his mouth had sent the seme off angrily. His mother saw them all.
The uke dropped out from school, leave the house, and started a life at a new place.
He graduated and got into a company, where he met up with 瑞 once more. They decided to go out together, with the seme trying to make him forget the other seme, knowing that deep inside, uke still never forget about him.
颜 came back. Uke was scared. He couldnt make a decision, remembering the promise he had made with 瑞 that he will love him. He couldn't betray his trust, yet he couldn't force himself to forget about 颜. Finally, he decided to leave the decision to god. Whoever stayed in the end in his house, he will follow him.
When he saw 颜 in his house, he finally realized what was wrong. The 'love' he had been holding onto are only memories of the past. What's important are the love that he is having now....

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